High Altitude Trekking: Beginner’s Guide

High-altitude trekking as fascinating and daunting as it sounds, has some challenges associated with it too. If your stamina challenges your will to mark the mountain tops with your name, then you must make the latter stronger to make it there without collapsing. Working out must be a part of your lifestyle if you are a trekking enthusiast. Courage coupled with stamina can make your dream of viewing the world from high above reality. People who see their world in the mountains do get judged, but it’s just the same as the globetrotter who wishes to touch every country on the map before he tastes death. No two people are the same and that makes it true that dreams are also diverse.

Before you decide to go for a high-altitude trek, keep these things in mind

1) With high altitudes comes low oxygen Availability and less breathability. So, people with respiratory problems should put their health first and make a calculated decision.

2) Less oxygen circulation also means that your muscles will tire up easily so build yourself in a way that it can sustain there.

3) Metabolism increases and appetite decreases. These two should’ve been in direct relation but turns out they are not. It will only make sense if you eat even if you don’t want to.

4) With low air pressure comes mountain sickness. When you are on long road trips some of your friends get car sick and barf. Be ready and cautious because mountain sickness might be your challenge or not if you get lucky.

5) Going at a high altitude is not a school picnic because it has associated risks so decide on the route you will be taking before starting. Wandering can take a toll on your health.

6) Stay hydrated and practice yoga breathing.

7) Pack with efficiency and don’t hoard.

8) if you don’t know much about high-altitude treks go with a guide.

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